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Start Here

The property market is booming.

It seems everyone wants to be a property investor, however sadly many fall at the first hurdle, simply because they don’t have a plan.

A plan is essential and I promise you don’t need anything fancy. However before you get to the planning stage, can I suggest there’s one very important job you need to do first. You need to sit down (with your partner) and consider your long term goals. In particular, you want to consider where you’ll be in ten years time.

My wife (Lianna) and I know exactly where we’ll be in ten years. We know the area we’ll live in, the type of house we’ll own, the level of passive income we’ll enjoy and even the interests we’ll have.

I appreciate that may sound strange, and of course over time, we’ll modify this plan – if there’s a good reason to do so – but without a clear written set of targets to hit, how can you possibly know where to aim?

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All About Us

All About Us

Although Lianna and I have been investing in property for around 15 years, we started taking it seriously about five years ago. At the time, we were running a successful kitchen company which had always given us a good lifestyle. The problem however was the amount of hours I was working and frankly, after 20 years of trading, my heart wasn’t in it anymore.

Then, out of the blue, five years ago, one of my long time employees (and personal friend) died suddenly at the young age of 53. I’m pleased to say this stopped me in my tracks and made me revaluate what was really important in life.

So, after what I fondly remember to be lots of late nights working on our plans, we decided to take the plunge and focus most of our efforts on building a property portfolio and just let my kitchen business tick over in the background. Of course at this stage I realised there was a big gap in my property knowledge and if I was really going to step up, I needed to get educated. After loads of research (I tend to over analyse) I settled on Simon Zutshi’s excellent year long Mastermind program and haven’t looked back since.

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