Kimmeridge Avenue

For £50, I bought a lead from a property lead supplier, contacted the owner and arranged a visit.

When the lady opened the door, I was greeted by a “not too pleasant smell” (to put it politely) as she had an entire menagerie of animals living there, together with her disabled husband and grandson.

One of the abilities I’ve tried to develop over the years is to look beyond the mess and just take in the basic fabric of the building… but I’m going to have to say this wasn’t easy here – there was clutter everywhere.

The lady explained that all they wanted was to move back to Wales and so I constructed a deal that would help them.

I agreed a year long delayed completion, so they could walk into agents in South Wales and show they had a buyer (essential in 2010 when I bought the property). I arranged their move, cleared the house and disposed of everything – so they didn’t have to and there was a LOT of stuff to get rid of!

At £110k, this turned out to be a 25% below market value deal and one that still gives me a healthy cash flow to this day.